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Nutritional Deficiencies

“Men dig their graves with their own teeth and die more by those fated instruments than the weapons of their enemies.” —Thomas Moffet, 1600 AD


In 1995 park rangers at Grand Canyon National Park had to kill dozens of deer because they had become sick through addiction to junk food. It seems that visitors to the park took delight and thought they were being kind to the animals by feeding them a diet of candy, cupcakes, hotdogs, burgers, fries, Cheetos, and even pizza, despite signs requesting the contrary. This diet of unhealthy, unnatural food caused extremely poor health in the animals after they lost their ability to digest normal vegetation, and they were literally starving to death. Once the animals became addicted to the highly processed snacks the deer lacked the needed nutrients to sustain life and good health. The Law of Design states: “Things work well when they function according to the way they were designed; they work poorly, or not at all, when that design is violated.” Consider the human body and normal human physiology. The nearly 100 trillion cells replace approximately one billion cells every hour, equaling 24 billion cells replaced daily. To carry on the processes that maintain life the body needs food so that every cell can eat, drink and reproduce. Each cell requires both known and unknown factors like vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals; and cofactors, coenzymes, and organic compounds not yet understood.

AREN’T ALL VITAMINS THE SAME? Webster’s Dictionary tells us that a vitamin is: “any of various substances that are essential in minute quantities to the nutrition of most animals and some plants, act especially as coenzymes and precursors of coenzymes in the regulation of metabolic process (growth, repair and maintenance).” Since they are essential that means we need them or problems will occur. Dr. Royal Lee, one of the greatest nutritionists of all time, explained that a vitamin is a complex, meaning, not a single chemical. He used the analogy of a watch to explain the synergistic quality of vitamins: “It is as if some naive individual became imbued with the notion that they can build a watch by weighing and dumping together a prescribed quantity of brass, iron, sapphires, gold and glass — or that they can concoct a vitamin complex that will function as well as a natural product as found in foods by the same ‘prescription’ method.” Like a watch and it’s many parts a vitamin can only function properly when the vitamin is in it’s natural state (whole-food) containing the phytochemicals, cofactors, coenzymes, etc, unlike the single chemical synthetic vitamin. Many so-called “nutritional experts” would have you believe that there isn’t any difference or benefit to a whole food vitamin over a synthetic elemental vitamin. However, when synthetic vitamins are put to the test, they consistently fail to perform as well as its whole-food counterpart in experimental comparisons. Am I saying that synthetic vitamins don’t work? Whereas they do have a pharmacological (drug-like) effect, this is not the same as a physiological rebuilding process.



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