“In the near future chiropractic will be as much valued for its preventative qualities as it now is for adjusting and relieving the cause of the ailment.”
—Dr. D. D. Palmer (developer of chiropractic)
The basic premise of chiropractic is that alterations in spinal mechanics can lead to nerve interference, potentially leading to pain and/or ill-health. Scientists understand that an

unobstructed flow of nerve impulses from the brain down through the spinal column, out the spinal nerves to every cell in the body is important to maintaining good health. Any disruption of this nerve conduction will prevent full realization of a healthy, vibrant, long life. This nerve interference is but one component of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.
The Vertebral Subluxation Complex, or subluxation, is an often overlooked, but a very serious condition responsible for a good deal of ill-health in this country. Only chiropractors are trained to detect and correct the Vertebral Subluxation Complex. Research has shown that internal malfunctions are but one cause of vertebral subluxations. Acute trauma and chronic physical and emotional stress are other potential causes. Dr. Peterson utilizes a holistic approach to correct any internal problem using nutrition, acupuncture, etc. so that a spinal problem will not continue to return.
As we mentioned, complex means more than one part. Some scientists list seven or eight components to a subluxation; we are going to cover the five most common:
Spinal Kinesiopathology: improper movement or alignment of a vertebra. When this occurs your range of motion or your ability to turn, twist and move is restricted, which in turn will lead to the next four components.
Myopathology: muscles that connect to and move the bones can either be too long or weak, or too tight or in spasm. Either of these result in changes that are like gristle. This further restricts motion leading to further problems in the spine.
Neuropathology: the improper motion and function lead to irritation of the nerves. This irritation can lead to pain or can interfere with nervous system communication between the brain and the cells, tissues or organs which eventually may lead to ill-health.
Histopathology: when the soft tissues become irritated and inflamed from mechanical irritation or interference to the nerve the blood, lymph and other soft tissues begin to show signs of damage. Left uncorrected this can progress and lead to further demise of health.
Pathophysiology: left uncorrected the loss of motion leads to stiffness, creating further loss of motion. With this begins the growth of bone spurs resulting in even greater loss of motion. This is often referred to as DJD or degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis, which is permanent and progressive.
All of this could have been avoided in the first place had proper chiropractic care been initiated to restore and maintain motion between the spinal vertebra. They were designed to move, however as we go through life, we develop subluxations as a result of trauma, repetitive action, stress or problems on the inside. This initiates a neurological reflex leading to a vertebral subluxation and its components.
Except for the rare surgical condition, chiropractic has been scientifically proven superior to other forms of treatment for back and neck pain. Scientific research has also proven chiropractic’s safety. Chiropractic treatment of neck pain is safer than over-the-counter pain medications (aspirin or Tylenol) by a factor of several hundred times.
Kinesiopathology can occur within any joint within the body, and is successfully corrected by chiropractors. Joint dysfunction includes: shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain and/or dysfunction.
Chiropractors are frequently attacked for their opinions that alterations in the spine can affect the overall health of an individual. This bias continues despite numerous scientific evidence proving otherwise. Chiropractic care improves immune system function, lung function, cardiac disease as well as being beneficial in the treatment of childhood ear infections, measles and respiratory infections.
According to the statement attributed to Thomas Edison: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Chiropractic as part of an overall wellness plan to improve individual biochemistry, physiology and functioning of the nervous system makes good sense.